Prati Magri

“La bellezza e l’armonia del Parco del Curone nella nostra cosmesi”

Prati Magri was born from the friendship between two women: Beatrice and Claudia,
two agricultural entrepreneurs of the Curone Valley, a natural amphitheatre of about 60 hectares, in the heart of a park in Montevecchia, Brianza, halfway between the Pre – Alps and Milan.


In the Curone Valley, Beatrice produces honey from acacia and chestnut trees, and millefiori (“a thousand flowers”) in her fixed hives. She is passionate about biodynamics and loves celtic music.


Since 2000, Claudia has produced organic wines, with some biodynamic influence, on the ancient terraces, called “ronchi”, which she has saved from abandonment and revitalised in a twenty year  project.

Both of us live and breathe this place, walking over it every day with passion – a place that speaks of environmental sustainability, recognised and recognisable biodiversity in every square meter of field and hillside.

The idea comes from a keen interest in the territory in which we live and work, each with her own farm.

Alongside the more classic productions of wine and honey, we began a process of re-evaluation of some local aromatic herbs, among which the most important and well-recognised is the Rosemary of Montevecchia, a traditional agricultural product.
A rosemary flavoured gin, beer and a liqueur were born… but after all, we are women… and thinking about the benefits of rosemary and honey on the skin, or on the face, came to us spontaneously.
The perfect combination with honey led to the first tests which immediately thrilled us, but we worked for over a year before finding the formulation that convinced us, through its scent, in the texture and the results on the skin.

Our first line of rosemary and honey, with a strong territorial identity, which also has the great additional value of being certified organic, consists of a face cream, a body milk, hand and body soaps and cocoa butter.

Organic certification is of great importance in the cosmetics industry as few companies can boast it.

The unique graphics, developed from the creative idea and skilled hand of the people we work with, using eco-friendly and recyclable materials, further enhances the visual aspect of our products.

By producing certified organic cosmetics with Brianza’s agricultural products, we believe it is our duty to use only the collaboration of laboratories within our territory with whom we have established trust.

We supply them with the raw materials, and they produce our formulations for us.
By so doing, we maintain a living relationship with our land and the social context in which we live.

We firmly believe in the products we produce and that’s why we try them, and try them again, until we achieve the result we believe is optimal.

Honey, the natural product “par excellence”, has moisturising, antioxidant and antibacterial properties

Rosemary has purifying, invigorating and revitalising properties.

Honey, the natural product “par excellence”, has moisturising, antioxidant and antibacterial properties.

Rosemary has purifying, invigorating and revitalising properties.

To date we have planted about 2,500 rosemary plants and we have 60 beehives.

We wish to expand and spread the word to other local farmers who produce other types of products, always using as a starting point that which our land offers us, so that we can continue in the precious work of maintaining terraces and reviving local green economies. Communities working together for a common purpose and for a strategic territory.

And this will also be carried forward through the enhancement of other productions…

Let’s turn the leaf!

Let’s go!

To date we have planted about 2,500 rosemary plants and we have 60 beehives.

We wish to expand and spread the word to other local farmers who produce other types of products, always using as a starting point that which our land offers us, so that we can continue in the precious work of maintaining terraces and reviving local green economies. Communities working together for a common purpose and for a strategic territory.

And this will also be carried forward through the enhancement of other productions…

Let’s turn the leaf!

Let’s go!

Prati Magri

Our logo is the synthesis of all the values contained in the natural habitat in which we produce, the habitat of “prati magri” (“lean meadows”), a place of harmonious and constant interaction between man and the environment.

It is an environment of great natural value, also according to the European Union and it is the perfect habitat for many insects and various animal species including different types of birds, hares, badgers and hedgehogs. Here animals can find refuge, being a place where hunting is forbidden.

Within the Montevecchia Park, the “prati magri” extend over its characteristic terraces; the thin soil, which rests directly on the limestone rock and the favorable orientation, gives us almost a hundred different plant species.

Everything that grows here has a scent, a flavour and a concentration – expressions of this unique territory.

Production, in quantitative terms, is small but it has a strong characterisation and uniqueness

Honey is an antibacterial and antibiotic-allied food of the immune system, much used not only for natural health but also in cosmetics. A valuable source of health and well-being benefits, honey contains countless nutrients such as vitamin C, phenols and about 13 types of flavonoids, both chemical compounds with powerful antioxidant action. Honey is used as an emollient and protective ingredient in various cosmetic preparations for the treatment of cracked, dry and sensitive skin.

Rosemary is an excellent herb with many health-promoting properties: digestive, circulatory, antioxidants, revitalizing, to name but a few. It contains essential oils, flavonoids, tannins, phenolic acids and other beneficial substances with antioxidant properties, able to counter free radicals and premature ageing.

Il miele è un alimento antibatterico e antibiotico alleato del sistema immunitario, molto usato non solo per la salute naturale ma anche nella cosmesi. Preziosa fonte di benefici per la salute ed il benessere dell’organismo, il miele contiene innumerevoli sostanze nutritive come la vitamina C, i fenoli e circa 13 tipologie di flavonoidi, entrambi composti chimici dalla potente azione antiossidante. Il miele viene utilizzato come ingrediente emolliente e protettivo in diverse preparazioni cosmetiche destinate al trattamento di pelli screpolate, secche e sensibili.

Il rosmarino è un’erba eccellente con molte proprietà salutari: digestive, circolatorie, antiossidanti, rivitalizzanti e molto di più. Contiene oli essenziali, flavonoidi, tannini, acidi fenolici e altre sostanze benefiche dalle proprietà antiossidanti, in grado di contrastare i radicali liberi e l’invecchiamento precoce.